Donald Trump’s father liked round dates

Donald Trump’s father liked round dates and wanted his son to be born on January 1st. Aiming for that date, Donald Trump was conceived on April 1st. His father hopes, however, came crushing down when Donald was born four months premature. Furious Donald Trump’s father came rushing into the delivery room right after the birth. He yelled at the doctor who delivered Donald for allowing this to happen too soon. The doctor didn’t like to be yelled at and started to push Donald back where he came from. A midwife who was experienced in these matters told the doctor that it wouldn’t work. But the doctor was really good and succeeded in pushing Donald back, due to the haste however, not in exactly the same place where he came from. The mother, not realizing what just happened, asked for her baby and was told that the baby is still inside her. “But I just gave birth!” “No, you couldn’t have.” “But, I saw it just a moment ago with my own eyes!” “Yes, but we think he crawled back.” Now the mother got furious and wanted her baby right away, but this turned out to be more difficult than the first time. So the midwife gave her a laxative and the Donald was born again.

Once upon an election day

Once upon an election day John Boehner dressed as Donald Trump and went out for a walk. On the same day Donald Trump sat in his favorite spot on top of his tower, observing people below. Donald Trump observed himself (aka John Boehner) walking among the masses and thought to himself: “I’d better go see where I’m going.” He joined the flow of people, which brought both of himselves to the polling place. Donald Trump having never been to this place before was very happy to try something new and exercise his civil rights. His happy moment of the day however was quickly marred by a very unfortunate mix-up with the local police. The next day newspapers wrote about the first documented case of voter rigging in New York, in which two Donald Trump impersonators were arrested for voter fraud.